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Cloud computing has become an integral part of modern business operations. It allows organisations to quickly and easily access cloud-based applications, storage, and services without building their own infrastructure. However, a multi-cloud strategy is often the best option for businesses looking for maximum flexibility and control over their cloud solutions.

With a multi-cloud approach, organisations can take advantage of cloud services from multiple providers while reducing risk through greater redundancy. This article will discuss how we can create an effective multi-cloud strategy that helps our organisation get the most out of cloud technology while minimising cost and complexity.

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What is multi-cloud?

Multi-cloud is a cloud computing strategy that involves using two or more cloud providers for different cloud services. This can involve utilising multiple cloud storage solutions from different providers, hosting applications on different cloud platforms, and leveraging the capabilities of multiple cloud types, such as public, private, or hybrid cloud environments.

Why multi-cloud strategy?

Multi-cloud strategies offer organisations a range of benefits, including cost savings, scalability, flexibility, and increased availability. The ability to choose the cloud providers that best meet our needs can help us reduce cloud operating costs by avoiding vendor lock-in and taking advantage of cloud services from multiple providers.

In addition, with a multi-cloud strategy, we can quickly scale cloud services up or down depending on our needs. We also have the flexibility to choose optimised cloud solutions for specific tasks and workloads, allowing us to get the most out of cloud computing without investing in costly hardware or software solutions.

Finally, cloud redundancy is a key benefit of multi-cloud strategies. By utilising cloud services from multiple providers, we can ensure that our applications and data remain available even during an outage or other service disruption.

Challenges & advantages

The cloud is an ever-changing landscape, and a multi-cloud approach brings its own set of challenges. Managing cloud resources across multiple cloud providers can be complex, and we’ll need to ensure that our cloud services are configured correctly to maintain security and reliability.

In addition, migrating existing applications or data to the cloud may require additional changes and costs. However, the advantages of cloud redundancy and flexibility often outweigh the cost and complexity of cloud migration, making a multi-cloud strategy an attractive option for many organisations.

Bandwidth & business continuity

Businesses should consider cloud bandwidth when using multiple cloud providers. Cloud services can be spread across different geographical locations to reduce latency and ensure reliable performance. However, this requires sufficient cloud bandwidth that may not always be available or cost-effective.

Multi-cloud strategies can also help ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster or other disruption. By leveraging cloud services from multiple providers, we can ensure that our applications and data remain available during outages or other service disruptions.


Overall, a multi-cloud strategy is an effective way for organisations to get the most out of cloud computing while maintaining cost efficiency and control over cloud resources. With careful planning and implementation, businesses can reap the benefits of cloud services while avoiding potential problems such as cloud vendor lock-in and cloud bandwidth limitations. A well-crafted multi-cloud strategy can help businesses maximise the cloud’s potential, giving them a competitive edge in today’s digital landscape. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create a cloud strategy that works for your business.

About the Author:

Vijayendra Kumar

Solution Architect, MTS US Inc,  USA

Over 16+ Years in expediting customer satisfaction and converting business requirements into innovative enterprise solutions. Spearheading customer engagements for Digital Transformation, Product Development, Service Delivery, SaaS Offerings, Design & Architecture, Cloud Transformation & Migration, and Web and Business – Intelligence solutions


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