AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF)

To Protect your Online Applications Against Security Threats.


With the digital revolution, there has been a rapid increase in adoption of Cloud based applications by businesses. Be it an e-commerce portal, payment gateway, partner portal or your organization’s internal application, It’s become critical to protect your application access and the data against the web exploits and bots that may compromise security of your web applications.

AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) gives you control over how traffic reaches your applications by enabling you to create security rules that block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting, and rules that filter out specific traffic patterns you define. to protect your application access and the data against the web exploits and bots that may compromise security of your web applications.

AWS WAF includes a full-featured API that you can use to automate the creation, deployment, and maintenance of security rules.

How AWS WAF Works

Benefits of AWS WAF

  • AWS WAF protects web applications from attacks by filtering traffic based on rules that you create. 
  • With Managed Rules for AWS WAF, you can quickly get started and protect your web application or APIs against common threats.
  • AWS WAF gives near real-time visibility into your web traffic, which you can use to create new rules or alerts in Amazon CloudWatch.
  • AWS WAF is easy to deploy and protect your mission critical applications deployed on AWS cloud.
  • With AWS WAF Bot Control, you get visibility and control over common and pervasive bot traffic to your applications. 
  • Every feature in AWS WAF can be configured using either the AWS WAF API or the AWS Management Console. This allows your DevOps team to define
  •     application-specific rules that increase web security as they develop applications

Customer Success Stories with
AWS WAF Implementation

With implementing AWS WAF rules and Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) we have helped one of our EdTech customer to securely manage volume of 400 Mn request per month. We also helped them in achieving the specific compliance and governance requirement for their education ERP application

Provided security threats protection to one of technology company. We have implemented AWS WAF and specific set of rules for their ERP application. It helped in protection against security threats, block IP addresses typically associated with bots & provides protection against exploitation, vulnerabilities and to block invalid request patterns.

Case Studies

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